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Our complaints handling principles


Please use these links to let us know your thoughts and experiences



We have developed the following principles using lessons learned from our own experience

and good practice from other organisations that are recognised for their complaint handling.

The principles are consistent with ISO 10002 standards; internationally recognised guidelines

for an effective and efficient complaints handling process.

Our complaints policy applies to all patients that have received treatment or care by Riviera Surgery LLP



Information about how to complain is available Riviera Surgery LLP home page. Our

staff are informed about the complaints process and able to advise our patients on how to

make a complaint. As an organisation we are committed to excellent service and we try to

make sure that our complaints process is open and transparent.


We aim to ensure that all our patients are able to make a complaint easily. Information

about how to complain is available in a range of formats and you can raise a complaint in a

number of ways.

Via link button at top of this page

Via letter to- Riviera Surgery LLP, c/o M W Medical, Westbury Westbury-On-Trim, Hill, Bristol BS9 3QA

Via e mail-

Via telephone- 01928 242220

We are also able to provide other formats e.g. large print or Braille, or translations into other

languages, if asked.

Ways of making a complaint

We are flexible and want to make sure that everyone has access to our complaints process.


We will make reasonable adjustments for you if you have accessibility needs or a disability,

for example, taking complaints over the phone. Please let our staff know if you have any

particular needs and we will do our best to make our complaints process accessible.


We aim to:

- acknowledge receipt of complaints as soon as possible, wherever possible within two working days

- investigate and respond to complaints within fourteen working days

- let you know any likely delays as soon as we become aware of them. For example, if in the course of reviewing your complaint it becomes clear that it is more complex and requires a longer time to consider.





Staff Links to Protocols and Reporting Forms- Staff access only

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